Marketing Messaging | StoryBrand Certified

Clarify your marketing message

Invite your customers into a story so they pay attention to your brand, become your customer, and tell others about your products and services.

Web StoryBrand Guide Badge

You’re losing sales because of vague and unclear messaging

You must clearly articulate the problem your customer is experiencing and how your product solves it.  Once you do, your customer will engage with become interested, but this alone won’t help you close the deal.

Next, you must demonstrate:

  1. Authority to show that you can solve the problem
  2. Empathy toward how your client is feeling about the problem they are having

    Now that you have their attention, your offer must be clear and simple or your customer will not buy. 

Some of the brands that trust us.

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Kingdom Elite Logo e1666713696728 final
Cactus Club Subs Logo DarkSpringGreen Transparent
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